Thursday, January 20, 2011

The aftermath

Rock Band 3 has proven to be a fun experience. The sheer amount of content in the game has overwhelmed me, and the eight-hundred songs I have that I can play on PRO drums ensures that my summer gaming will be very fruitful; Hopefully I can hit my stride once more and reclaim my second best title out of my hometown.
LittleBigPlanet 2 came into my possession yesterday, and so far it is leaps and bounds better than number one. The addition of other sackboys and sackgirls as a creation object immediately made the create mode worth playing in my book. Anybody who has played a level made by a twelve-year old will tell you that having other characters to guide you through the level is a aspect of design that younger kids seem to cling to. I would say that about seven out of ten levels on littleBigPlanet that were made by children featured other characters, seemingly the children avoid pure lonely gameplay, although I'm loathe to stand by this statement but it's just something I'll be paying attention to.


  1. Will you be using the level editor to make things?

  2. I will likely wait until summer to actually put together something.
