Monday, July 18, 2011

more Minecraft

More Minecraft! With my Ps3 down for the count, in steps a fun and accessible PC game. I found an online server to play on, and I'm having a great time. My efforts in the game have consisted of making a "skybridge" a railroad in the clouds. The initial line I built stretches from the spawn point to the forest I call home. We've since expanded the line and it now reaches 80% of the resident's homes. Each tower that gains access as it's own personality as well. From my 1900's inspired train station to the Stone and mortar tower in Jotenheim (our little snow area), the Skybridge is shaping up nicely. I've built a terraced farm, with abundant sugar cane and wheat growing right on the cliff by my house.
The real winner today is cactus. A plant that causes damage to the enemies that spawn every night. I built myself a cactus fence to keep enemies out, and also kill them for the rare drops. My complex is now self-sufficient; All I really lack are farm animals, so I still have to roam the wilds to find my sheep, cows, and chickens. It feels good, though, to come home to some delicious cake.
Minecraft is a game that will teach you to be grateful for your own work; it is difficult to keep it together when every night...could be your last


  1. But I thought it was a survival horror game? How can you sleep at night when things coming to reck your place?

  2. Exactly! you can't sleep. SO you get to spend the whole night listening to the creatures of the night
